Redbird Newsroom
Owners and instructors say the $200,000 A-ATD bests many million-dollar simulators.
Potomac Flight Training in Sterling, Virginia needed a simulation base capable of training the Collins Pro Line 21 avionics in a realistic environment for their King Air 350 type rating and recurrent training. Potomac’s General Manager, Harry Arthur, says the Redbird was chosen for both its reasonable cost and its fast delivery time. “We heard they were doing Proline for the FAA. We signed the contract [with Redbird] on August 31 and had it before the end of the year, which is just unheard of in this industry.”
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Jeff Van West heads Redbird Media to change how pilots and instructors think about simulation
There’s wide agreement that flight simulation is crucial to making flight training more affordable. But truly integrating simulation into flight training too often falls short in the real world. “The core issue is that most pilots and instructors see simulation as an adjunct to flight training and proficiency,” says Jeff Van West, Director of the new organization Redbird Media. “We need to shift people’s concept of simulation such that it becomes a central part of a pilot lifestyle. To reap the benefits, using simulation must become a habit.”
Related Topics: Company Milestones, Training Curriculum
Redbird Flight Simulations is pleased to announce that it has entered into an exclusive agreement with AVIC International Holding Company (AVIC International) of Beijing, China to distribute Redbird simulators and products. This multiyear agreement establishes AVIC International as the sole distributor of Redbird Flight Simulation products throughout China, Taiwan, and South Africa.
Related Topics: Company Milestones, Partnerships
Redbird Flight Simulations, Inc. is pleased to announce that its simulators have been selected by Zulu Flight Training, Inc. (Zulu), a subsidiary of Continental Motors, Inc. (CMI), an innovative flight training concept whose first training center recently opened in Mobile, Alabama. Zulu is a new concept in pilot training that is designed around a structured curriculum using advanced full motion flight simulators and advanced technology training aircraft to deliver a consistent, cost effective and safe path to obtaining basic and advanced pilot licenses. A key component of Zulu Flight Training brings the ground school and simulation training to the student by placing the primary training center at easily accessible locations within the population center. Aircraft operations are supported at one or more nearby airport facilities to maximize convenience for the pilot trainee.
Related Topics: FMX, Training Curriculum, Partnerships
Vaughn College and Redbird Flight Simulations on Thursday (Sept. 15) signed a partnership agreement that both say will take aviation training in a whole new direction.
Related Topics: Training Curriculum, Partnerships