Redbird Newsroom
The ten-part show highlighting unique corners of aviation training arrives at AirVenture and invites pilots to join in the experience.
Winging It, Redbird’s ten-part online aviation video series, will culminate this week at AirVenture Oshkosh. The Winging It team, including host Brittney Miculka, will be filming the final two episodes of the series and inviting attendees to join in on the experience at the Redbird exhibit space and at the EAA Pilot Proficiency Center.
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Using its deep experience base, Redbird brings professional grade controls to the home simulator market and provides enhancements for its FAA approved devices.
Today Redbird Flight announced three new products for its Alloy line of controls for home built simulators, a new visual expansion kit for its larger devices and updates to Parrot and Scarlet.
To commemorate the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, Redbird has built a custom P-40 motion simulator.
Redbird Flight has built a custom, full-motion simulator of a Curtiss P-40 Warhawk to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The simulator, based on Redbird’s MX2 platform, will be displayed during AirVenture at the Pacific Aviation Museum exhibit (Main Aircraft Display Space 445). Attendees can take part in history as they fly over Pearl Harbor. The project was a result of a partnership between Redbird Flight, A2A Simulations, FLYING, and the Pacific Aviation Museum.
Related Topics: MX2, Partnerships
Pilots participating in the EAA Pilot Proficiency Center will receive an interactive debriefing experience through Redbird Sidekick.
Redbird Flight is proud to support the EAA Pilot Proficiency Center by providing 14 training devices, Sidekick data collection system, and its new debriefing application on Redbird Landing. The Pilot Proficiency Center serves as a gathering point for pilots of all levels to enhance skills, learn from expert instructors, and become safer pilots through effective simulation training. Those who visit the Pilot Proficiency Center will be able to choose from 32 different training scenarios. At AirVenture, all simulator flights will be recorded with Redbird’s Sidekick technology and uploaded to the Redbird Landing. Data collected by Sidekick will allow pilots to perform a thorough debrief of the scenarios at the Redbird exhibit or at home by visiting Attendees participating in the Pilot Proficiency Center will receive an ID badge that will identify and associate them with all of their training flights. At the Redbird exhibit space (located next to the Proficiency Center), they can retrieve their flight information with the QR code and review everything about their training session.
Related Topics: Partnerships, Pilot Proficiency, Sidekick
The ten-part show will explore unique corners of aviation training around the country.
Redbird’s latest adventure, an online show called Winging It, took flight last night during a premiere event at Sun n’ Fun. Winging It host, Brittney Miculka will travel to ten locations across the country to promote pilot proficiency and showcase the best in aviation education. Viewers can follow Brittney on her cross country trip and experience each step of the journey. She'll head to Massachusetts for an upset recovery course with air show pilot, Michael Goulian, to Denver to learn mountain flying, to Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland to get trained as a medevac nurse, and to California to sharpen her skills on emergency procedures, among others. She'll visit flight schools, high schools, universities, and sim centers and will experience something new at each location.
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